Nonprofit Strategic Planning Made Easy

PlanPerfect is an all-in-one, end-to-end solution for small nonprofits to develop, review, track, and report on a strategic plan.

Success starts with a plan. Make it perfect.

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The Problem

A nonprofit without a plan struggles to fulfill its mission.

Nonprofits with strategic plans are more likely to succeed. Clear goals and objectives guide work and define decision-making. But planning, especially for small nonprofits, is often difficult and expensive to complete and even harder to manage.
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Bandwidth. The day-to-day operations of small nonprofits are a full-time job leaving little time for strategic planning.
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Stakeholder Input. Getting input from board members, beneficiaries, partners, and other stakeholders feels daunting.
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No more “Plan-on-a-Shelf.”
The best plans are living documents, which a team can use to execute, track, and report on to boards, donors, and partners.
The Solution

We leverage industry expertise and AI-enabled technology to simplify creating, tracking, and reporting on your nonprofit's strategic plan.

Success starts with a plan. Make it perfect.
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PlanPerfect gives you more time to work on what what's important
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PlanPerfect proves to your stakeholders you're listening
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PlanPerfect increases your ability fulfill your mission

What Makes PlanPerfect So Powerful

Guided Development

Creating a strategic plan from scratch is hard and often prohibitively expensive. 

Our nonprofit expertise and the best of online technology support you as you create your plan. We help you define clear goals and objectives and engage your stakeholders. 

You receive a customizable plan with clear goals and objectives that you can update as often as you want for easy reviewing, tracking, and reporting.  

Review and Approval

Engaging stakeholders while creating a plan ensures that a diversity of opinions are taken into account. 

A robust review process increases the probability a nonprofit can fulfill its important mission.

PlanPerfect helps an executive team and board of directors work together with stakeholders to define the organization’s goals.

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Tracking and Reporting

The best strategic plans are living documents. Plans shift and morph as you find the best ways to fulfill your mission. PlanPerfect will be with you in real time to meet your needs.

Impact-measuring tracking and reporting tools build better employee teams, boards, and donor relationships to enable nonprofits to fulfill their mission.  

PlanPerfect makes tracking and reporting on strategic plan goals and objectives simple so you can focus on fulfilling your mission.

Sign up now to get a spot on the waitlist and see how PlanPerfect can help you build your strategic planning process.

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(c) 2024 PlanPerfect LLC